Managing Azure App Service Environment (ASE) with Azure CLI

1. Scope of This Article

tamami.I Web Developer
3 min readJul 25, 2024


This article introduces specific commands and their usage to retrieve information related to ASE using Azure CLI.

2. Content

Retrieving Information About Azure App Service Environment (ASE)

To retrieve detailed information about a specific App Service Environment, use the az appservice ase show command.

az appservice ase show --name <ASE_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>

Example Output:

This returns detailed information about the specified ASE, including its ID, name, location, subnet, internal load balancer, virtual network, status, scaling settings, and more.

"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/<ASE_NAME>", // ASE ID
"name": "<ASE_NAME>", // ASE Name
"location": "japaneast", // Region
"status": "Ready", // Status
"vnetName": "<VNET_NAME>", // Virtual Network Name
"vnetResourceGroupName": "<VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP>", // Virtual Network Resource Group
"virtualNetwork": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<VNET_NAME>", // Virtual Network ID
"subnet": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<VNET_RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<VNET_NAME>/subnets/<SUBNET_NAME>", // Subnet ID
"internalLoadBalancingMode": "Web, Publishing", // Internal Load Balancer Mode
"ipSslAddressCount": 2, // IP SSL Address Count
"outboundIpAddresses": [ // Outbound IP Addresses
"defaultFrontEndScaleFactor": 15, // Default Frontend Scale Factor
"suspended": false // Suspension Status

Retrieving Details About App Service Plans

To filter and list App Service Plans related to a specific hosting environment and retrieve detailed information, use the az appservice plan list command.

az appservice plan list --query "[?'<HOSTING_ENVIRONMENT_NAME>']"

Example Output:

The details of each plan include ID, name, location, SKU information, and hosting environment profile.

"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/<PLAN_NAME>", // App Service Plan ID
"name": "<PLAN_NAME>", // App Service Plan Name
"location": "japaneast", // Region
"sku": {
"name": "P1V2", // SKU Name
"tier": "PremiumV2", // SKU Tier
"size": "P1", // SKU Size
"family": "Pv2", // SKU Family
"capacity": 1 // Instance Count
"hostingEnvironmentProfile": {
"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/<HOSTING_ENVIRONMENT_NAME>" // Hosting Environment Profile ID
"resourceGroup": "<RESOURCE_GROUP>" // Resource Group Name

Listing Web Applications

To retrieve a list of Web Applications related to a specific hosting environment, use the az webapp list command.

az webapp list --query "[?'<HOSTING_ENVIRONMENT_NAME>']"

Example Output:

This returns a list of Web Applications related to the specified hosting environment, including details such as ID, name, location, resource group, and default hostname.

"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Web Application ID
"name": "<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Web Application Name
"location": "japaneast", // Region
"resourceGroup": "<RESOURCE_GROUP>", // Resource Group Name
"defaultHostName": "<WEBAPP_NAME>" // Default Hostname

Checking Application Configuration

To check the configuration of a Web Application, use the az webapp show command.

az webapp show --name <WEBAPP_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>

Example Output:

This returns detailed information about the specified Web Application, including its state, default hostname, usage state, SSL state, and more.

"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Web Application ID
"name": "<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Web Application Name
"state": "Running", // Application State
"defaultHostName": "<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Default Hostname
"repositorySiteName": "<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Repository Site Name
"usageState": "Normal", // Usage State
"enabled": true, // Enabled Status
"enabledHostNames": [
"<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Enabled Hostnames
"<WEBAPP_NAME>" // Enabled Hostname (SCM Site)
"hostNameSslStates": [
"name": "<WEBAPP_NAME>", // Hostname
"sslState": "Disabled" // SSL State
"serverFarmId": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/<PLAN_NAME>" // Server Farm ID

Listing Connection Strings of Web Applications

To list the connection strings of a Web Application, use the az webapp config connection-string list command.

az webapp config connection-string list --name <WEBAPP_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>

Example Output:

This returns the connection strings of the specified Web Application, including the type and value of each connection string.

"SQLAzure": {
"type": "SQLAzure", // Connection String Type
"value": "Server=tcp:<SERVER_NAME>,1433;Database=<DATABASE_NAME>;User ID=<USER_ID>@<SERVER_NAME>;Password=<PASSWORD>;Encrypt=true;Connection Timeout=30;" // Connection String Value

Checking VNet Configuration

To check the configuration of virtual networks, use the az network vnet list and az network vnet subnet list commands.

To list the virtual networks within a specified resource group in a table format, use:

az network vnet list --resource-group <リソースグループ> --出力 テーブル

Example Output:

Name                Location    ResourceGroup
------------------ ---------- ----------------
sample-vnet japaneast sample-rg

To list the subnets within a specified virtual network, use:

az network vnet subnet list --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --vnet-name <VNET_NAME>

Example Output:

"name": "default", // Subnet Name
"id": "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<VNET_NAME>/subnets/default", // Subnet ID
"addressPrefix": "", // Address Prefix
"networkSecurityGroup": null, // Network Security Group
"routeTable": null // Route Table

3. Conclusion

By using the above commands, you can easily retrieve detailed information about applications hosted in an Azure App Service Environment. Utilize these commands to efficiently manage and troubleshoot your environment.



tamami.I Web Developer
tamami.I Web Developer

Written by tamami.I Web Developer

I’m an engineer from Japan who loves coffee and mystery novels. I focus on cloud-native tech and share insights on tips, reflections, and hobbies.

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