tamami.I Web Developer
tamami.I Web Developer


Web Application Engineer

C#/ .NET/ Azure

I am a Web Application Engineer from Japan with experience in developing video distribution systems, billing infrastructure systems, and payment systems. I have worked on both frontend and server-side development, and since 2020, I have been focusing on server-side and infrastructure tasks, including system design and implementation.

I enjoy sharing the knowledge and experiences I have gained through development. In this blog, I document my journey as an engineer, offering technical tips, reflections on my experiences, and personal perspectives related to my hobbies.


One of my favorite activities is going out for breakfast with my children on weekends. I enjoy coffee and reading, particularly coffee with citrus flavors. I love exploring new tastes through a coffee subscription.

Medium member since November 2023
tamami.I Web Developer

tamami.I Web Developer

I’m an engineer from Japan who loves coffee and mystery novels. I focus on cloud-native tech and share insights on tips, reflections, and hobbies.